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What is meant by non-cutting in cricket betting? | CBTF Tips

Betting is fun and provides options to make extra money. Millions of people across the world bet on cricket matches. Every day a cricket match takes place, be it a franchise, domestic or international. The audience of cricket has also increased around the world, and it is not limited to a few countries. The passion and love for cricket in India are unreal, and that’s why people are participating in cricket by betting. Since a large number of people are betting on cricket, the betting industry has also become huge. There are too many technicalities in cricket betting that may become difficult to understand. In this article, we have come up with cricket betting tips. It will help you to understand the technicalities of betting.

What Is Non-Cutting?  

Non-cutting stands for betting by not cutting your losses. When a person bets on a team and doesn’t cut their losses known as non-cutting. For example, team A and team B are playing against each other, and you bet $1000 on team A. The odds are 1.8 on team A’s win, so you will get $1800. On the other hand, you will get nothing if team A loses the match. We can say “non-cutting” is for the newbie who doesn’t have to pay the money even after the loss. They will get the money if they win the match, but the returns are usually very low. As a newbie, it is great to get the experience.

When the match moves forward, the winning odds of team A become 1.20. If you cut your loss, then you will get $1600 for team A win while $0 for team B’s win. You will not lose any money, and it is known as a loss cut. Many cricket betting sites are offering multiple games and options to play in your comfort.

There is one more term in the betting industry called Book Set. For example, the odds of team A come to 1.05. You will get the $1050 on team A win and will lose all the money on team B’s win. If you lay $500 at 1.05 odd, you will get the $500 irrespective of the results.

Cricket Betting Tips  

If you want to win in betting, these cricket betting tips might help you. When the rate becomes high and touches 20p cut the loss. On the other hand, bookset your bet when the rate touches 5p. Bookset becomes crucial because most of the time the team lost the match after touching the 5p. Bookset will help you to win some money irrespective of the result.

Avoid playing short sessions in the shorter format of cricket. If you are playing a T20 game, play only 20 over sessions. Playing 5,6, or 10 overs might not help you because predicting the place of the game is quite difficult. For example, you bet in a 5-over session, and a wicket falls. The pace of the game will reduce, and that will cause the loss. In a short time, you can’t predict right even after analyzing all the facts. If you play a Lambi session, whatever comes in between won’t affect your overall chances of winning.

Read the articles, watch the news or see commentary to understand the pitch condition and the favorable team. Watching the previous record won’t help much because the pitch condition and team change with the times. For example, pitches are showing that 180 is the average score. England came to bat with the recent line-up. They may score above 200 or can get all out at 140. See the teams and their current form, strengths, and weaknesses of the team. It is one of the best online cricket betting tips.

Analyze the performance of the player and the key players. Sometimes, key players might be out of touch, and putting your bet in that session might backfire on you. For example, Virat Kohli was out of form for a long time, and he came to bat at third number. He will be on the field in the initial or middle phase of the match. The bet will backfire if he will be out of the form while the bet will become beneficial if he is in the form. Analyze the player’s performance.

Never back a weak team with a big amount because on the win, you will earn the big amount and may lose a big amount of money on loss. Never take granted of the match until the last bowl is bowled.


Cricket is a huge industry where people can earn money by betting. Many technicalities may be overwhelming to new people. Non-cutting is for the newbie because you don’t lose money and gain experience to become better at betting. Get cricket prediction tips on the CBTF website as it provides free betting tips.


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